Uptown Cosmeceuticals Retinol 2.5% Cream
Helps Skin Naturally
I'm using this Retinol cream and definitely recommend it. This is why. Two reasons.
First, there is a fact about skin that is not well-known, or so it seems. The skin itself is an organ, and one that is highly absorbent. That means that whatever rubs onto the skin will then be absorbed into the body and then into the bloodstream. That's why things like nicotine patches or estrogen patches work- they are placed on the skin, where they are then absorbed into the bloodstream. It's highly effective, as it bypasses the digestive system.
The downside to this is that many body lotions contain heaps of chemicals, and those get absorbed into the skin too. In fact, I have had such a hard time finding inexpensive but natural body lotions and nightcreams that I started my own regimen. I used olive oil, and rubbed and massaged it into my face and neck every night. The little mini-massage seemed to help relax the tense facial muscles and in my opinion help to prevent wrinkles.
Olive oil is great - doesn't need to be refrigerated, and it's totally natural with no chemicals or preservatives at all. However, it does not have any anti-aging properties or change the skin tone.
Having done lots of Google research, which I'm sure you have too, I did find that Retinol actually helps the skin and does have anti-aging properties. The problem was, how to get the Retinol without a bunch of nasty chemicals?
Here is a list of main ingredients in another brand of Retinol: Ceteareth-20, Glyceral Stearate, Mineral Oil (known to actually dry out the skin), Phenoxyethanol, Methylisothiazolnone....I rest my case. I did not want all these chemicals soaking into my skin.
This Uptown brand has 71% organic ingredients and it shows in the label: Organic Aloe, Sunflower Oil, Vitamin E, Jojoba Oil, Shea Butter, Cassia Seed, and more.
The second reason I recommend it is that for me, most creams do not really soak in (a blessing if there are a bunch of chemicals!) but leave a greasy film on the skin, causing the skin to feel oily, not moist, and causing make-up to run. I've lost count of the number of skincream bottles I have had to toss for this reason. This cream does not do that at all. When I put it on, it soaks fully in, and from the first application my skin felt more moist and full. I was able to easily put make-up in over it and it looked good and stayed in place.
My skin looks way better with some of this 2.5 Retinol cream under my makeup.
This cream has a pleasant and natural smell, unlike other chemical-based creams. Also, it is "full" enough that I am able to do my nightly massage of my face and get it nice and relaxed. See below photo of my skin with the 2.5 Retinol Cream and makeup. NO Photo Shop here, I promise. I am 61 years old, so you have a reference guage. I usually don't post personal data about myself, but felt it was necessary in order to accurately report on this product.
It is 1.7 fl oz. I find that it works best when using a smaller amount, so this jar will last quite some time.
Here's the Amazon Link to this product: http://www.amazon.com/Retinol-Uptown-Cosmeceuticals-Nourish-Wrinkles/dp/B017QZKLY6?m=AZKEVAAQIEO3Q
I got this product at a reduced price in exchange for an honest review, and here it is. I requested to review this product as I thought it might handle my problem with skincreams, and it did.
#uptownretinol, #ShellisShopping, #BudgetShoppingTips,#Retinol, #Facecreams,#AntiAging,#Nightcreams
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