Saturday, March 5, 2016


Does the World Need Yet Another Mouthy Shopping Blogger?

  Hi, Shelli here.  In addition to my cartoon blog, I've decided to create a blog to share my online (and otherwise) shopping experiences and tips. Does the world need another mouthy blogger about materialistic things such as shopping and use of consumer items? How do I plan to offer something new and valuable to the internet ether?

    Let me first introduce myself by sharing that I am a true budget-miester, and not ashamed of it. My family calls me a tightwad - yep, always count on family for a little brutal honesty.  Never fear-I can blame my frugal New England upbringing. But in this day and age, shopping smartly is one thing any person can do right. Ok, we can't stop war in another continent, but at least we can control our own lives to make things a tad better on the home front.

     I find that getting a good can of Progresso soup for $1 from the 99 Cents Only store versus paying for the same can at a grocery store for $2.50 is something that gives me a personal sense of achievement. Seems small, but add it up over time and you have a moved a little mountain.

    If you are a millionaire or so rich that you don't have to care about your expenses vs, your income, you may not be too interested in this blog or may just read it to see how the little guys live. Or you too might have grown up in a frugal New Englander family where leaving the lights on a minute extra is a high crime, no matter what the household income is.

   Either way, I'll share my encounters and insights for better or worse in hopes others may gain, and be entertained on the way.   Feel free to also check out my cartoons on, with further comments on life and living. Cheers, Shelli

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