Wednesday, May 18, 2016

   Crest Whitestrips Supreme 
   Professional Whitening Teeth Strips 
  Get a Five-Star from Shelli's Shopping


    I have been buying and using these strips for some time and thought to make a note about how they work. But let me tell you the first part of my story.

    Yellowed teeth run in my family. And to add to that, I like to drink tea, V-8 juice, and occasional wine, all of which stain the teeth. 

    I did not think I had that much of a problem until one day at work, an inspector came by to check everyone's appearance and to make suggestions for improvements. This was a well-meaning effort by the management at improving the workplace image. The inspector, a nice guy but mis-cast for this duty, tactlessly said, "Is there anything you can do about your yellow teeth?"

   Well, that was enough. That's when I began my campaign for whiter teeth. First I tried a tooth whitener paste by Arm and Hammer that you squeeze onto your toothbrush along with your toothpaste. My daughter's friend used it and had brilliantly white teeth. However, it produced no results at all for me. I privately wondered if the fellow was genetically blessed with white teeth and only needed a little boost. 

   My next stop was to the local pharmacy shelf for tooth whiteners they had there. I had done no research, so just picked some tooth strips that looked like they would do the job. They were neither the cheapest or most expensive brand. I did the full set of strips, but again there were no discernible results.

   Finally I saw these Crest Whitestrips Supreme Professional Whitening Teeth Strips at my dentist's office. She said they worked, and the box label (if one believes those) said that they had 80% more whiteners than the leading retail brand.

   These strips come in a box saying "Only Available Through Your Dental Professional". There are 42 pouches, each with a strip for the upper and lower teeth. That is about a month-and-a-half of strips if you use them each day.

   I got them and did a full round of the strips. They are very easy to put on, do not taste bad, and stay put for the half hour you leave them on. It is noted that some people have sensitive teeth so need to use them less ofter, but I have never experienced this. The only downside is that while they are on, you can't eat or drink or talk much for an half hour. That's harder to do than one would think! 

   I began to notice results after just a few days. By the end of the box, my teeth were very noticeably whiter and being commented on by friends and family.

   As I had started from such a sorry point, though, I decided to do a second round. Halfway through the second box, I arrived at what I felt was a nice clean whiteness, but without my teeth being so white that they was fake-looking and people would look at my teeth and say "Oh, she whitened her teeth". I was very happy with the results.

   My teeth remained at this level for months. After about 7-8 months, I noticed they were beginning to yellow again, surely due to my teeth-staining habits. So I did a brush-up with more strips, and after a week or so they were back to their original whiteness.

  I have carried on this way now for about three years, just doing a brush-up as needed with as many strips will do the job to restore whiteness.

  I also developed a handy trick. My two front teeth were damaged by some dental work years ago, and since then have been darker than all my other teeth. So as I whitened all the teeth, they would get whiter but not as white as the others. I took one pouch and some nail scissors and cut the strips into "mini-strips" that would cover just my two front teeth. I would then use these for awhile. This worked really well, and enabled my front teeth to "catch up" to the others.

   I also want to note that though the protocol is apparently that one gets these strips only at dental offices, I have been able to find them on Amazon. A link to one source is below and there are others. 

   I see ads in various places for teeth whitening procedures at dental offices that cost hundreds of dollars. Personally I see no need for that expense as one can just use these strips. 

   Here's to smiles for all, where we can show off our white teeth!
   Shelli's Shopping is a blog for shoppers of all kinds and in particular those looking for a good buy, from starving artists to working poor to those who are on a budget for whatever reason or just want good value for their hard-earned money. Shelli Pruett is a blogger, cartoonist, proofreader, product reviewer, and communications director at a marketing company. She lives in Southern California with her family and four dogs, who provide an ample stream of dog product purchasing experiences.


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Are You a Watermelon Fan? If So, This Tool Is a Must For You

        My family are true watermelon fans. We eat it through the summer, and our favorite is watermelon with lime (or lemon) juice sprinkled over it with a dash of salt. Definitely try this combo sometime, it is just about the tastiest thing ever.

          I have spent many kitchen hours trying to pry out the bottom of the melon with spoons and knives, and it is time consuming, messy, and inefficient. As a solution, I just tried this stainless steel Watermelon Slicer/Corer by Daro USA.

          I can say this little tool really did the trick! The very best thing about this stainless steel tool is that you can easily scrape out every last bit of melon, even the part that is right next to the rind (which is often the most delicious part). The wire and tool itself are quite sharp and cut easily, even if (like me) you do not have strong hands. It cuts down the time taken to scoop a melon to 1/5th the time. That alone is a deal-maker for me.

          The instructions were easy to follow- just dig the wire in and scoop, then flip the tool over and use it as prongs to lift out the slice. The slices are about 1" wide with the tool fully open, though I discovered you can squeeze it closed a bit and make thinner slices. It took me a little practice to get it right, so if you are planning a fancy dinner with watermelon I'd advise using a practice melon to start with. It was pretty simple though.

           I also am using the small melon scooper that comes with it that makes perfectly round balls. They are about 3/4" in diameter. This was super easy to use and the balls look very pretty. See photos of a watermelon ball/lemon  dish I made for my husband which he loved. I'm looking forward to some heavy use of this product through the summer, and it is so sturdily made I am sure it will last forever. I will note here that I received this product for free in exchange for an honest and unbiased review, and here it is.

Here is a link to the product on Amazon:

    Shelli's Shopping is a blog for shoppers of all kinds and in particular those looking for a good buy, from starving artists to working poor to those who are on a budget for whatever reason or just want good value for their hard-earned money. Shelli Pruett is a blogger, cartoonist, proofreader, product reviewer, and communications director at a marketing company. She lives in Southern California with her family and four dogs, who provide an ample stream of dog product purchasing experiences.

#DaroWatermelnSlicer,#WatermelonSlicer, #Melon Corer, #FruitCuttingTools,#ShellisShopping,#Watermelon